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Monthly Archives: July 2024


Loss Of Motion Along With Neck Pain

By Israoui Law |

Whiplash injuries are a common consequence of Florida motor vehicle accidents, and when they happen they can result in debilitating pain and limited mobility. When the neck is suddenly forced backward and then forward in a rapid motion, the soft tissues and muscles surrounding the cervical spine can become strained or injured. A range… Read More »

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Areas Of Orlando Where Accident Risks Are High

By Israoui Law |

With vibrant tourism and active year-round communities, there are a lot of people coming and going in Orlando. Unfortunately, this activity means some areas have a high number of traffic collisions. When you know where these accident-prone areas are you can take proactive steps to stay safe on the road. If you sustained an… Read More »

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Can Pay Stubs Be Used As Proof Of Income Loss?

By Israoui Law |

When you’re injured in an accident, a pressing concern can be the financial impact, especially if you’re unable to work as you heal. In these types of cases, proving income loss becomes essential when seeking a full compensation amount from insurance adjusters or through legal action. While pay stubs can serve as valuable evidence… Read More »

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Examples Of Out-Of-Pocket Accident-Related Expenses

By Israoui Law |

In addition to the immediate physical and emotional aftermath of an accident, financial repercussions are common. Car, truck, and motorcycle accidents can impact a person’s life for months or even years to come. Part of this is all of the out-of-pocket accident-related expenses that are incurred. If you believe you have been paying for… Read More »

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