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Monthly Archives: August 2024


What To Do If Injured Due To Another Driver’s Aggressive Braking

By Israoui Law |

Unexpected situations can arise when driving, and sometimes this leads to vehicle operators braking suddenly. While it might seem like a natural reaction to slam on the brakes to avoid an obstacle or a potential collision, aggressive braking can actually lead to serious accidents. Talk to an Orlando personal injury attorney about financial recovery… Read More »

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Securing Video Footage Before It’s Erased

By Israoui Law |

Securing evidence is crucial for supporting an injury claim following a car accident. While there are a range of documentation types that could prove your right to monetary funds, one of the most valuable pieces of evidence could be video footage collected by nearby businesses. This is because footage provides an unbiased account. If… Read More »

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Healthcare Professionals And MMI Reports

By Israoui Law |

When you’ve been injured in a car or truck accident, seeking medical treatment is essential for your health and well-being. Then, as you move through your treatment plan toward recovery, you may reach a point when healthcare professionals will assess your condition and determine when you’ve reached maximum medical improvement (MMI). An MMI report… Read More »

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Wage Loss, Income Recovery Limits, And Legal Support

By Israoui Law |

Car accident injuries disrupt lives in numerous ways, and one significant concern for many is losing income during their recovery period. If you were told by your healthcare professional to take time off work to heal, it is important for you to know that there are ways to access funds in order to protect… Read More »

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