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Fires, Burns, and Orlando Car Accidents


There are a variety of ways cars can ignite. Some vehicular fires are caused by crashes, others occur because of mechanical failures, wiring issues, or flammable items within the vehicle. According to one report, over 210,000 vehicle fires occurred in the U.S. over the course of 2018.

Vehicle fires can cause property damage, injuries, and fatalities. After a Florida accident involving a car fire, discuss your situation with an Orlando car accident lawyer. Burn victims may have high medical expenses due to surgeries and physical therapy needed to heal.

Accident Burns Can Happen In a Variety of Ways

When a car or truck is involved in an accident, there are several different ways individuals can be burned, both from flame and from hot fluids or surfaces. Burn injuries can be severe when the skin is harmed in any of the following ways:

  • Flame from ignited gasoline
  • Exhaust pipes and radiators that are hot
  • Hot liquids that leak and scald
  • Power lines or poles that have been knocked down
  • Chemical burns from car fluids

Burn injuries are not always connected to the contents of vehicle fuel tanks. In most cases, vehicle fires start in the engine area of a car or truck. Each situation has its own risks; car fires and burn injuries can happen in different ways, depending on the circumstances of the crash.

Disfigurement can happen when burns are severe and healing times can be long.  Severe burns can be present along with other car accident injuries, such as herniated discs, fractures and brain injuries. Bills from doctors, hospitals, burn centers, and physical therapists can add up quickly when a person is badly hurt. If you need financial compensation to recover from the stress of a Florida vehicle collision, talk to an Orlando car accident lawyer about possible courses of action.

Severe Burn Treatments

Burn injuries can be incredibly painful. Wound care needs to be done along with pain management. Often the best care for severe burn victims is offered within burn centers, locations within a hospital where burns are treated.

While a minor burn may only need to be cleaned and dressed, severe burns may require multiple surgeries. A minor burn could heal over the course of a few weeks, but when serious burns need medical interventions, the timeline for healing can be years, or even life-long in cases where function is impaired or there is disfigurement.

If you were involved in a car accident that involved vehicular fire, there may be the possibility of compensation for medical expenses (past and future), income loss, and pain and suffering. Burn injuries can require surgeries and painful skin grafts. When another was at fault, you should not have to shoulder all of the expenses and suffering on your own.

Are you recovering from a burn injury after a vehicular fire? If you have medical bills and expenses along with emotional distress, connect with a legal professional. Contact the Orlando personal injury attorneys at Israoui Law at 407-381-4529. Turn to Israoui Law for the personal attention you deserve.

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