Is It Possible To Avoid Whiplash During A Car Accident?

While there is no fool-proof way to avoid a whiplash injury when a Florida car accident occurs, there are steps you can take to prevent the possibility. And if you are involved in a vehicle crash, be sure to see a doctor to have your health assessed. Sometimes whiplash injury symptoms aren’t readily apparent, and having health issues attended to as soon as you can is a path to favorable outcomes.
Accidents can result in high property damage expenses and medical costs. But taking care of yourself and your family is your first and top priority. Have your Orlando personal injury lawyer guide you toward an optimal financial outcome while you focus on recovering physically and emotionally.
Adjustments You Can Make and Keeping Your Distance
Wearing your seatbelt is an important part of staying safe while driving a vehicle or riding in one as a passenger. When it comes to whiplash injuries, a seat belt helps to keep the body in place, possibly avoiding the forceful front and back motion if a collision were to occur. Additionally, making sure your headrest is appropriately positioned can help, then the support could stop the head from whipping back during the force of a crash.
Beyond what the safety features within a vehicle, Florida drivers need to remember to operate vehicles with enough distance between themselves and others. Often whiplash injuries are the result of rear-end accidents, some of which could be avoided if enough space had been provided.
But even when every precaution is taken, there are times when unexpected events occur and drivers and passengers are injured as a result. If you have been diagnosed with a whiplash injury as a result of a traffic accident, closely follow the treatment plan provided by your healthcare team and connect with a car accident attorney to discuss damage recovery.
Insurance Companies Have Legal Teams
Insurance companies have teams of professionals working on accident claims, including insurance adjusters and attorneys. While accessing financial compensation on your own may be a possibility, it is likely the amount offered will be one that is keeping the interests of the insurance company in mind. To have a legal professional looking out for your best interests, pursue your own legal counsel, hire Orlando personal injury lawyer. Always speak to an experienced accident injury attorney before speaking to any insurance company.
It is possible you will be facing a large amount of expenses after a whiplash diagnosis. Fees connected to prescription medications, physical therapy appointments, and an array of medical tests may result in high bills, even if you have insurance coverage that may pay for a portion of the bills. Thankfully, your attorney can work toward financial relief.
Is compensation possible for you following a whiplash injury? Have a skilled personal injury lawyer review the facts of your case and strategize a strong path forward. Once you are aware of the worth of your claim, you can plan for your future and your attorney can fight for a full and fair recovery package. To get your claim started, talk to the injury attorneys at Israoui Law. For the personal attention you deserve, call Israoui Law at 407-381-4529.