Securing Compensation After an Accident with an Uninsured Motorist

While many turn to insurance companies for compensation after a car or truck accident, not all drivers are insured. According to the Insurance Information Institute, over a quarter of Florida drivers do not carry auto insurance. With over 26% of drivers being uninsured motorists, it is very possible for Florida accidents to involve an uninsured motorist.
As a no-fault state, Florida requires personal injury protection (PIP) insurance but does not require bodily injury liability. PIP is used for coverage under your insurance policy regardless of fault. Your insurance company will pay 80% of your medical bills and/or 60% of your wage loss up to a limit of $10,000.00 minus any applicable deductible. Florida law also requires drivers to carry $10,000 in property damage liability to cover the expenses of a crash, including damage to bicycles, automobiles, and more.
If you were in a car accident with an uninsured motorist or have issues securing compensation from an insurance company, an Orlando car accident lawyer can protect your rights and seek just compensation for your loss.
What Are the Expenses Involved in Car and Truck Accidents?
Depending on the severity of an accident, there can be a variety of expenses. There can be personal property expenses, wage loss, and personal injury expenses. In the event of injury, medical expenses can be very high and can exceed the amount of PIP coverage under you auto insurance policy. Families may need to turn to health insurance to cover some of the medical bills, but there may be high deductibles and co-pays as well. The health insurance may also be entitled to reimbursement of any medical benefits they pay if you recover any money from the at-fault party in your accident.
Some of the damages from car accidents that can require financial settlements:
- Doctor bills and medical expenses
- Damage to personal property, the vehicle itself or items such as fences
- Physical therapy bills and charges
- Wage or income loss
- Pain, suffering, and other intangible losses
If an uninsured driver is responsible for a lot of expenses, reviewing their assets could be a path to compensation. Some individuals may carry their own uninsured motorist coverage as well. This can cover a policyholder who is in an accident with an at-fault driver who is uninsured or underinsured.
Personal Assets Could Be Used for Compensation
If you are in an accident with an uninsured driver who has personal assets, litigation may be possible. An attorney can uncover assets that are being hidden and introduce assets beyond cash that may be available.
Car accident cases can be complex. Your lawyer may need to simultaneously negotiate with insurance companies and explore all assets of an at-fault motorist. When an individual is injured, they need to focus on getting better. An Orlando car accident lawyer can work toward the maximum compensation amount while a family focuses on an individual’s personal health.
Protect Yourself and Your Family, Talk to a Lawyer Today
Were you injured in a vehicle accident with an uninsured motorist? Contact the Orlando personal injury attorneys at Israoui Law at 407-381-4529. With complimentary consultations, our lawyers can help you secure the maximum compensation amount possible. Turn to Israoui Law for the personal attention you deserve.