Sharing Medical Records Relevant To Your Accident Injury

Records of your diagnosis and treatment plan are crucial parts of a strong personal injury claim. But if an insurance adjuster requests your complete medical records, pause before giving them authorization and talk to an Orlando personal injury lawyer. While pertinent records are essential, there are times when oversharing can harm your case. Florida and Federal laws are in place to protect your medical information and the insurance company may not be entitled to certain evidence. Always speak to an experienced accident injury attorney before speaking to any insurance company or providing them with any signed forms or records.
Avoiding Claim Denials and Reductions
When it comes to personal injury claims, insurance companies are assessing a few different factors. Yes, they are identifying expenses they are contractually obligated to compensate you for, but they are also looking for ways to reduce the amount they have to pay out in order to protect the financial health of the company.
One way your claim could be denied or reduced is by an adjuster combing through your medical records to find pre-existing conditions or past injuries that could be used to argue that your current injuries are not as severe as reported or are not related to this accident.
For example, if you were in a car accident and underwent back surgery, you would move to secure the financial resources you need for that medical expense. But if you have a history of back pain, an insurance representative could use your past health concerns to argue that your accident injury is not as serious as you claim and that a portion, or all, of the harm was not directly related to the current traffic incident. Insurance companies are always looking for ways to minimize your injuries and pay as little or nothing on your claim.
Clear Medical Records Can Help You Secure Financial Recovery
When you provide your attorney with your medical records, they can assess if all of the information is in place for your claim. Medical records provide valuable support for injury claims in the following ways:
- Documentation of the nature and extent of your injuries
- Proof that your injuries were a direct result of the accident
- Evidence that the medical treatment had a financial cost
- A timeline of your recovery process, including ongoing medical needs
Without medical documentation, it can be difficult to prove the extent of your injuries and the impact they’ve had on your life. Florida law puts the burden of proof on the injured party (i.e. you) to prove all aspects of the case, and this includes the injuries.
Determining which medical records are relevant to your personal injury claim is not always simple, it can be a complex and time-consuming process. But you don’t have to try to make these determinations on your own, instead work with an experienced personal injury attorney who can help you navigate the process.
Your Orlando personal injury lawyer can review your medical records and work with medical experts to assess which records are most relevant to your claim. They can secure any needed opinions or testimony from medical experts and help you understand how to present this information in a way that supports your claim in order to maximize your chances of securing fair and just compensation for your loss.
Do you want to learn more about what information you should share with an insurance company following a Florida car accident? It’s important to be mindful of the risks of oversharing and work with a legal expert who can help you navigate the process and present your case in the strongest possible light. The professionals at Israoui Law can help. Call Israoui Law at 407-381-4529 for the personal attention you deserve.