Take Shoulder Pains After A FL Crash Seriously

Aches and pains often follow Florida car crashes, and it is likely one or more individuals involved will suffer from shoulder pain. Often people will want to brush off the pain, either because a surge of adrenaline in the aftermath of the event leads them to believe they are not truly injured or because they think the pain will subside with an ice pack and a few days of rest. And while some shoulder pains do heal with home care, there are also times when pains are symptoms of larger health issues.
Seeing a doctor after an Orlando car crash is an essential part of a full recovery. Under Florida’s No-Fault law, you have to see a doctor within 14 days from the date of the accident or you may loose up to $10,000.00 in medical and/or wage loss recovery. Pains are possible immediately after an accident. Or, pain may slowly grow in the days following the incident. You may need to follow an extensive treatment plan to be sure your shoulder heals properly, allowing you to retain (or regain) full motion and mobility. There may be medical expenses and therapy fees, but if you are concerned about how to pay for your healthcare, compensatory damages could bring financial relief. Discuss the details of your case with an experienced Orlando car accident lawyer before speaking to any insurance company.
Indicators of a Shoulder Injury
Each situation has its own circumstances, but some of the symptoms of shoulder injuries include the following.
- Motion issues and stiffness
- Swelling and cramping
- Bruises and off color
- Pain, cramps, and spasms
There are a variety of ways muscles within the shoulder can be pulled and strained, there is even the possibility of fractures. Your doctor could diagnose you with whiplash if your shoulder injury is due to your shoulder overstretching, harming tissues when a crash causes your body to move unnaturally.
In other situations, a dislocation or fracture could be diagnosed. While less common than whiplash, a shoulder dislocation can result in numbness and swelling. Some find the numb feeling occurs alongside pain but others report no pain. When fractures are present, a doctor will inform you on the severity of the break. Once it is known if the fracture is a hairline or a more extensive break, a treatment plan will be developed.
Financial Recovery and Your Claim
Seeing a doctor to have all of your pains and health issues assessed is important, and a legal professional can help you obtain financial damage funds to assist you in settling bills, fees, and expenses following a Florida car crash. Talk to an Orlando car accident lawyer about your recovery options after a shoulder injury is sustained as a result of a traffic collision.
Can you secure financial recovery to help you pay for all of your shoulder injury expenses? To learn what is possible for you and your family, contact the Orlando personal injury attorneys at Israoui Law. Our seasoned attorneys will assess your situation and determine what level of recovery is possible. Then, we will fight to strengthen your claim and inform you of your options throughout the process. To protect your financial future, call 407-381-4529. Turn to Israoui Law for the personal attention you deserve.